Blended: A three part ONLINE book discussion series

Calendar Date:
Repeats every week every Saturday 3 times.
Saturday, February 26, 2022 - 10:00am

Book and author photos

Enjoy three in depth discussions of Velda Thomas' memoir  Blended- Perspectives on Belonging / A Participatory Notebook facilitated by Tonia Burkett. Attendees will have time to read and reflect between sessions. 

Registration is limited to 10 people. Registrants will receive a free copy of Velda Thomas' memoir Blended. To register click here.  Attendees must commit to attending all three discussions. All sessions will be held over Zoom. If you have questions email Melody Sky Weaver at


Saturday, February  12th 10am-11am (read sections beginning to page 53 including Brown Brownie)

Saturday, February 19th 10am-11am (read sections  page 57 to 111 including Champion)

Saturday, February 26th 10am-11am (read sections page 115 - to the end of the book) 

About the book:

Blended- Perspectives on Belonging / A Participatory Notebook is Velda Thomas’ first book from her publishing company, Stardust Press. A poetic, deeply personal body of soul work, Blended draws the reader through explorations of race, family, identity, trauma, and generational healing with truly honest vulnerability and insight. Peppered with questions and blank pages to invite the reader to process and reflect as collaborator with the text, Blended challenges, invites depth, and inspires interconnectedness with the human condition.

Blended is a book that can be opened at any page to allow Velda’s words to gently work the edges of old and new belief systems, or be read cover to cover to experience a full journey of healing. Filled with Velda's dynamic black and white linocut prints, Blended is a timely, creative, powerfully beautiful work of art.

About the facilitator in her own words:

Tonia Burkett (She/Her)

Founder, facilitator, and consultant at Usawa Consulting

I’m a Black woman of mixed heritage (descended from Africans and Europeans) who grew up in the Pacific Northwest and lived in the South for 17 years. I returned to the Pacific Northwest in 2017 to reconnect with family and find a new direction in life. I have been passionate about social justice work for as long as I can remember. I never grew out of my childhood mantra of “That’s not fair.” As an adult, I focused on being empathetic to other people while learning about social inequality. My passion and interest in social justice work have always been an important part of my life, whether I was providing customer service in retail, teaching undergraduate students, being an Auntie to children in my life, taking care of animals, or developing friendships.

I graduated from Portland State University with a Bachelor of Science in Sociology and a Certificate in Black Studies. In addition to those degrees, I completed extensive coursework in women and gender studies. I have a Master of Science in Sociology from Portland State University and I have completed all the coursework for a doctorate in Sociology from North Carolina State University. My areas of specialty are Social Inequality, Medical Sociology, and Mental Health. I have been an anti-oppression activist, organizer, and educator for over 30 years.


This program series is generously sponsored by the Friends of the Port Townsend Library.