Pink House Meeting Room
Due to construction the Pink House will unavailable for meetings during periods of Spring and Summer. The exact timeline isn't set yet but please be aware that if you have meetings booked for April or May they maybe be canceled. Thank you your patience during this exciting time for the Pink House!
The Port Townsend Public Library provides space in the main room of the Library Learning Center/Charles Pink House as a meeting room to the community as a public service and shared community resource. Groups using the library meeting room must not use advertising and publicity which implies that their programs are sponsored, co-sponsored or approved by the Library, unless written permission to do so has been previously given by the Library Director. Use of these meeting rooms does not constitute an endorsement by the City of a program or point of view expressed. The Library's meeting room is available without charge.
How to get started?
- Check to see if your meeting fits the meeting room criteria for use
- Submit your application for a Pink House meeting
Criteria for using the meeting room:
- All activities in the meeting room must be open to the public at no charge.
- Meetings must be held during library hours. They must start no earlier than 15 minutes after opening and must finish no later than 15 minutes before closing.
- Meeting rooms may not be reserved by one group more than once a month or have more than one reservation at a time.
- Meetings are to run no longer than four hours without special approval from the Library Director. This time includes setup, takedown, and cleaning of the room.
- Requests will be submitted using the Library's meeting room application form in person or electronically via the process listed on the Library's website.
- Organizations using the Library's meeting room are required to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act in reasonably accommodating persons with disabilities.
Permission to use Library meeting rooms will be denied to any organization and/or meeting:
- Whose purpose is illegal.
- Who charge a fee to attend the meeting, workshop or training. This includes tuition or registration fees.
- Whose primary purpose is social. Examples include birthday, office & retirement parties, weddings and receptions.
- Who engage in commercial activities (buying or selling), or the direct promotion of commercial services as part of the meeting for monetary gain.
- Informational meetings representing the product or services of one (1) company.
- Whose activity does not have the sponsorship of a legally responsible adult.
- State law prohibits the use of public facilities for the purpose of assisting the campaign for election of any person to any office; or for the promotion or opposition of any ballot issue.
- Library-sponsored programs take precedence and will be given preference in scheduling.
- Reservations for meeting room space are on a first-come, first-served basis.
- Meetings may be booked a maximum of two months in advance of meeting date, with only one meeting reserved at a time.
- Meetings must be booked at least seven calendar days before the meeting date.
- Meeting rooms may not be reserved by one group more than once a month.
- As a rare exception, the Library Director may allow a meeting room to be reserved more than once per month. For example, Census training or IRS-sponsored tax preparation.
- The Library Director or designated staff members have the authority to accept or reject requests for use of meeting room.
- Meetings will be listed on the library’s online calendar as “Room Reserved” for internal scheduling purposes. The library will not provide any additional information about the meeting or group.
Food and beverages:
- Food and beverages are allowed. Alcohol is not allowed.
Facilities and Equipment:
- Cleaning checklist
- Access to the meeting rooms prior to the time the library is open to the public is not possible. All meetings rooms must be vacated at least 15 minutes prior to the Library's closing time.
- The group may change the arrangement of furniture prior to or during the meeting. However, after the meeting the room must be returned to its original set-up.
- The library offers a screen in the Pink House and a projector for checkout at the front desk. The staff are not able to provide technical assistance and all other AV equipment in the Pink House are for library use only. The library does not provide laptops.
- All library property must be left clean and a cleaning checklist will be provided to follow and turn in to the front library desk.
- Nothing may be affixed or mounted in any way to the walls, distributed throughout the library, or posted on library property.
- The Library will not provide storage for any purpose to any group.
- Meetings of groups whose members are under age 18 must be supervised and attended by a legally responsible adult at all times.
- The maximum capacity for the room is 30 and must be observed at all times.
- Entrances and exits for all meeting room users will be through the front or back doors of the Library Learning Center/Charles Pink House.
- Use of a restroom and kitchenette is provided.
- If a scheduled meeting is not to be held, the applicant must inform the Library as soon as possible in advance of the meeting. Failure to use the room on two consecutive occasions without advance notification will result in the loss of meeting room privileges for a period of six months.