Bookclub Kits
Important Message About Book Club Kits
In January 2025, the Library will switch from our KitKeeper Book Club Kit reservation system to a new system called MyTurn. Patrons will no longer be able to make reservations on KitKeeper after December 15th. You can make new reservations using MyTurn beginning in early January. Any reservations made on KitKeeper before December 15th will automatically be transferred to MyTurn.
Book Club Kit Reservations
The Port Townsend Library offers Book Club Kits with multiple copies of books for you to check out to read with your own Book Club. Kits consist of ten books packaged in a plastic tote, and the entire ten-book kit may be checked out with one library card. Kits are checked out for eight weeks, allowing time to distribute and read the book. Please return all ten copies of the book with the kit.
How do clubs reserve a title?
A member of the club will place a hold on the title. For a list of titles click here. You will find a direct link to each title to reserve in Kit Keeper from the library catalog. Click on the linked-text "RESERVE THIS KIT". Directions and calendars are there on the Kit Keeper homepage here.
Interested in donating a kit?
Here are two easy ways you can contribute. Write a check for $200, payable to The Friends of the Port Townsend Public Library, and submit it to the library. Or, you can donate 10 new or next-to-new copies of a title your group loved.