ONLINE Author Talk with Velda Thomas

Calendar Date:
Thursday, January 20, 2022 - 7:00pm

Velda Thomas will discuss her book Blended. 

Click here is join the Zoom program. Or go to and enter Meeting ID: 823 5339 6558 and Passcode: 700048

About the book:

A deeply personal body of soul work, Blended draws the reader through explorations of race, family, identity, trauma, and generational healing with vulnerability and insight. Blended can be opened to any page to find dynamic artwork, poetry, and reflection questions.

About the author:

Velda Thomas. Born and educated in England, UK with family ancestry sourced from Africa, the Caribbean and the America's.  

Healing modalities have always been of interest to her. Love of plants, herbal remedies, somatic and ritual experiences weave passion with grounded human experience for creativity and freedom of expression.

Velda has worked as a kindergarten teacher, adult educator, birth doula, massage therapist, sound practitioner and writer. 

Velda is a horsewoman, nature lover, mover of the body and world traveler. 

Currently living in Port Townsend on the Olympic Peninsula. USA.