Port Townsend Police Department

Chief's Badge

Message from the Chief

On behalf of the men and women of the Port Townsend Police Department, I want to welcome you to our webpage. I am honored to work alongside our dedicated sworn and civilian staff to provide professional police services to over 10,000 residents and countless visitors with integrity, compassion & professionalism. 

As a department, we are honored to work with our community and our law enforcement partners to employ proactive problem-solving strategies and a community policing philosophy to address social and criminal issues affecting our community. We strive to be fair, courteous, and respectful to whom we serve and come into contact with. We genuinely desire to partner with our community to reduce crime and the fear of crime, promote all aspects of safety, and strive to protect and serve the community in which you live, work, and play. 

As Chief, I believe in strong leadership, transparency, and accountability from every member of the Department. My priorities include being responsive to our citizens, conducting thorough criminal investigations and enforcing traffic laws to improve the quality of life within our city. I recognize our ability to serve and maintain public trust is predicated largely upon our actions. Therefore, we shall strive to earn your trust every day we serve.  

As I continue to get to know the community that I serve, I embrace every opportunity to meet you where you are. If you are a part of a group or organization, I would appreciate the opportunity to meet them and introduce myself or discuss a topic of concern. I can be reached by email at tolson@cityofpt.us or by phone at (360) 385-2322.

Department News
Police news and press releases will be posted on this page to keep the community updated.

2024 Annual Report

Police Department Job Opportunities
The Police Department is continually testing for police officers. All of our current Police employment opportunities can be found on our Job Applicant page.

Police Reserve Program
The Port Townsend Police Department Reserve Officer program is designed to train civilians at becoming a police officer with the police department. You will augment the current staff, and assist with many other exciting duties. You will learn to work hand in hand with the City of Port Townsend and the Jefferson County Prosecutor's Office.

Police Department Volunteer Program
We are seeking candidates for a select team of Police Volunteers - Members of this team will work to assist officers and supplement police services in tasks ranging from office help to citizen patrols and emergency/disaster preparation. Volunteers will receive extensive training prior to working, and all candidates will be carefully screened prior to acceptance. This is an excellent opportunity to get involved in your community and gain valuable job experience.

Special Events
A special event is any organized formation, parade, procession or assembly consisting of persons, animals, vehicles or any combination thereof, traveling in unison and with a common purpose upon any public street, highway, alley, sidewalk or another public way that does not comply with normal and usual traffic regulations or control



To work in partnership with our community to provide a safe and compassionate environment while reducing crime and the fear of crime.


To work in partnership to improve our community while recognizing the dedication and service of our employees.


We have committed ourselves to elevated standards of trust, responsibility, and discipline while promoting justice in a fair and impartial manner

We are compassionate to the needs of the community and to those that visit our city

We are professional in our interactions with everyone


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