City Council



There are many ways to participate in City meetings and be more engaged with your City government. Some options include attending meetings in-person, livestreaming, joining by webinar, or joining by phone. All meeting instructions can be found on the City web calendar.

Public in attendance and webinar participants will be able to provide up to three minutes of public comment during the meeting. Public comment will also be accepted by the Public Comment Submission form and will be included in the meeting record, provided submissions are received two hours before the start of each meeting.  Please submit public comment at Public Comment Submission ( Persons wishing to mail in public comment can do so by sending comments to City Hall at 250 Madison Street, Port Townsend, WA 98368. Please make sure "Public Comment" is clearly visible as part of the document.

Important Note: Effective December 1, 2023 the public comment email address will no longer be active. All public comment will need to be submitted using the link below.


 Public Comment Submission ( 



The City of Port Townsend is a Legislative branch of government. The Council members are elected officers and serve four-year terms. The Mayor and Deputy Mayor are elected by the Council and serve two-year terms. We have a City Manager form of Government. The responsibilities and authority of the City Manager and the City Council are regulated by the Revised Code of Washington (RCW) Section 35A.13.


City Council business meetings are held on the first and third Mondays of each month. If the regularly scheduled meeting falls on a City observed holiday, the meeting will be held the next night (Tuesday). City Council workshop meetings are scheduled for the second Monday of each month. All City Council meetings and workshops are held at 6:00 p.m. in the second floor Council Chambers of Historic City Hall, 540 Water Street, Port Townsend.

All City Council meetings and workshops will begin at 6:00 p.m. unless otherwise noticed.

  • Public Comment: All meetings are open to the public and public comment is welcomed at these meetings. You can also reach out to your elected officials with any comments or concerns using their email address. Meeting participants will be able to provide public comment during the meeting for up to three minutes, and can send in written public comment to City Hall, or use this form: Public Comment Submission (
  • Public Hearings: Persons wishing to testify before City Council may do so either by submitting verbal testimony during the public hearing or by submitting written comments to the City Clerk. Written comments must be received by the close of the public hearing. Hearing documents are available for review in the City Clerk’s office. To submit any written comments for a public hearing:


Office Hours/Contact
Councilmembers do not keep regular office hours at City Hall. You can contact Councilmembers by phone at (360) 379-2980, email:, or write a letter and drop it off, or mail it to City Hall, 250 Madison Street, Port Townsend, WA 98368.

David Faber, Mayor

David grew up in Port Townsend, graduating from Port Townsend High School in 2001. After attending the Evergreen State College, Seattle University School of Law, and University of Washington School of Law, David & his wife Laura (née Wester, also originally of Port Townsend) returned to Port Townsend in 2013 to open his law firm Faber Feinson PLLC. David was elected to the Port Townsend City Council in 2015 and was re-elected in 2024.

Amy Howard

Amy arrived in Port Townsend in 2000 as a wayward youth, homeless and escaping from poverty and substance abuse. Here she found a community of legitimate weirdos that supported and raised her up. Amy has since earned a certificate of Nonprofit Executive Leadership from the Evans School of Public Policy and Governance at the University of Washington, as well as an Advanced Certificate of Municipal Leadership through the Association of Washington Cities.

Neil Nelson headshot

In 2023 Neil and his wife, Stacey, found their forever home in Port Townsend. Coming to Port Townsend after living for over 20 years in Monroe, Washington, Neil was, and continued to be, delighted in the real sense of community we all enjoy here in Port Townsend. Neil brings over 40 years of experience in home improvement and the construction industry with him to City Council along with three years of experience on Planning Commission. Neil has an eagerness to learn and grow with fellow residents in creating an even better community for all of us. 

Ben Thomas

Ben came to Port Townsend in 1976 as a 5-year-old with his commercial fishing family. They were drawn here for the great Port, burgeoning  culture, deep history and – at the time – affordable housing. Ben chose an array of blue collar jobs, travel and founding an alternative newspaper over getting a proper four-year-degree. He now works as a vineyard manager and winemaker. He is married and has a three-year-old child that he hopes will be proud to call Port Townsend home.

Libby Urner Wennstrom

Libby Urner Wennstrom has lived in Port Townsend since 1998, raising a family here and working at a variety of local organizations, including the Wooden Boat Foundation, Farmer’s Market, Jefferson Land Trust, PT Marine Science Center, and The Leader. In her “other life” as a technical writer and documentation project manager, she’s managed large scale projects and big budgets and led cross-disciplinary teams.  She’s been a longtime community volunteer for PT Public Schools, Key City Public Theatre, and the Wooden Boat Festival, and currently serves as Board President for Salish Rescue.

Monica MickHager

Monica has made Port Townsend her home since 1985, where she raised her kids and has owned a landscaping business for 30 years. She has had the gift of being able to be part of our community for 36 years as a parent, business owner, neighbor, friend and volunteer. 

Owen Rowe

Owen Rowe brings varied background and experience to City Council, ranging from educational publishing, technical writing, and digital font development to literary translation, voice acting, and Italian language teaching. Since first moving to Port Townsend in 1997, Owen has been involved with local arts and cultural institutions including the Port Townsend Public Library, the Port Townsend Film Festival, KPTZ, Centrum, and the Jefferson County Historical Society, and has served in multiple leadership roles on the board of The Food Co-op.