The City of Port Townsend is building streets that provide people more choice – to walk, bike, ride the bus, and drive. The City oversees transportation systems and infrastructure by implementing plans to develop an efficient, accessible, and convenient transportation network in the City.
Bike & Walk
The City of Port Townsend's Non-Motorized Transportation Plan presents a vision of a fully developed bicycle/pedestrian system over the next 20 years that will serve residents, commuters, shoppers and visitors alike. A complete bikeway and walkway network will increase connections within the community, increase the number of children walking and bicycling to school, and promote the health of our residents by making walking and bicycling safe, comfortable, and attractive travel modes. Learn more by viewing our Non-Motorized Transportation Plan.
Boat and Ferry 

The Washington State Ferry operates a vehicle and passenger ferry route across Puget Sound between Port Townsend and Coupeville/Whidbey Island. Reservations are recommended to travel between Port Townsend and Coupeville, check out the ferry schedule on Washington State Ferries website.
Driving and Parking
Be a prepared driver and enjoy your trip!
Know what roads in your route might be impacted by construction or closure - please take a look at:
Public Transit (Jefferson Transit) 

Consider changing the way you get downtown by utilizing a variety of public transit options that are available. Leave your car at home. Try public transit, Park & Ride, carpool, vanpool or biking.
Report an Issue
If you have a transportation related problem you’d like to report, please visit our Report a Concern page and fill out the concern form.